cover take 3

Worthy Now Prison Ministry with the Church of the Larger Fellowship's

The Reverend Michael Tino

Followed by Blessing of the Animals outside of the UUSA at 1:30 PM: bring a live animal, a picture, or your favorite stuffy for a blessing and stay for some music and fall fun!
Pet blessing (1)
Zoom link for October worship:
Meeting ID: 995 3467 6532
Passcode: 203614
Or call in: 646 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID 995 3467 6532 when prompted.

Our Dedicated Offering recipient for October is Doctors without Borders.
Contributions made to the 'plate' will be shared with this organization throughout the month.
This week:
Monday, October 18th @ 7:15 PM | Finance Committee for more info contact Linda Callahan or Elliott Kelly

Thursday, October 21st @ 7 PM | Board Meeting
If you'd like to attend, please contact either Co-Presidents: Anne Moore or Susan Rice
A reminder that all Board Meeting minutes are available here; for, the draft of our September meeting's minutes, please click here.
Sunday, October 24th @ 11:45 AM or directly following service
Informal social time at Kendrick park - more information below

Wednesday, October 27th @ 7 PM
Chair (or 'lead') of Committees and other UUSA groups

Saturday, October 30th @ 9 AM - 12 PM
Fall Clean-Up more information below
pumpkins from 9-10-21
Join us at Wildwood School Playground from 9 - 10 AM. This Sunday we will be taking a Nature Walk!

Then in the afternoon from 1:30 - 3 PM Blessing of the Animals at the UUSA (121 North Pleasant Street). This is your chance to see the building and be part of the community in and around our Society. All activities, including bulb planting, animal drawings, animal blessings and singing will be done outside. Please see poster below for the details.

Please follow our rules when attending RE:
  • Do NOT come if you have any symptoms of illness or if you have been in close contact with someone who has. Be safe, not sorry.
  • Masks must be worn at all times by ages 2 and up. (Exceptions will be made for non-verbal children).
  • Adults and children will sanitize hands upon arrival.
  • Social distance will be maintained during activities. (Adults should bring chairs for the small group session).
  • At this time, for the safety of all, we can only provide programming to children 3 and up who can separate from their family.
  • Rebecca will send out an email by 8 AM if RE is cancelled due to rain.
In the very near future we will have an RE zoom option for those families who can not make it to our in-person sessions.

RE Registration is Open! Please understand that we are all going to have to be flexible in order to take care of ourselves. Here is the Registration Form:

Contact Rebecca Fricke, Director of Religious Education for more information
Blessing of the Animals
Youth Group (high school aged)
We will be meeting at the UU Society of Amherst at 2 PM on Sunday to attend a portion of the Blessing of the Animals ceremony. Around 2:30 we will walk to nearby Kendrick Park for snacks and games until 4 PM. Please let Johnny know if you are in need of rides to YG or if you can offer rides by emailing We will be sticking with the 2-4 PM time going forward. And don't forget to fill out the Caretaker Orientation poll so that we can find a time to meet with Johnny to learn about and discuss the YG program for this year.
The Young Adult program (ages 18-30)
Our next meetup will be on Saturday, Oct 30th at 1 PM at Mt. Pollux in Amherst. Rev. Rachael from the UU Society of Amherst will be joining us. Folks are invited to wear costumes but they are not required. Let Johnny know if you are in need of a ride or can offer a ride by emailing

We will be trying our first hybrid worship will be on October 24th!

For now, our policy requires a reduced capacity and so we will use a reservation system.
If you'd like to physically attend service in the Sanctuary, please fill out this brief form:
Thank you to all who participated in our Congregational Conversation this week. It was exciting to discuss how our newly approved UUSA Covid-19 Building Use Policy allows us to meet together safely. Huge thanks again to the entire Reopening Task Force team who led this charge and to the Board Members who took time to attend this meeting.

As indicated above, we're opening our doors! We will also find ways for all of us to gather outside. A few opportunities to do so are below. And, as the weather turns cool, UUSA Member, Board Clerk and former Environmental Education teacher, Louise Grosslein, wrote up these guidelines for how to stay warm in all weather. Thank you so much Louise!
2021_10_14 Cong'l Convo
We want to make an opportunity for us to gather, (socially distanced, outside) and connect in person. You are invited to come to Kendrick Park immediately following the service on October 24th at 11:45. Please bring your own portable lawn chair if you are able - there will be several extras provided. You are welcome to bring a snack for yourselves if you choose, but we are not planning on sharing food. Kenrick Park is located just north of the Meetinghouse where North Pleasant Street meets East Pleasant Street. On-street parking is available on the west side of the park on N Pleasant Street as well as in lots across E Pleasant Street on both sides of People's Bank. Questions? Contact the office.
Fall Clean-up on Saturday, Oct 30th from 9 AM - 12 PM
Once again, many hands make light work! Please join the Meetinghouse Committee for a building and grounds morning. Build camaraderie and share your energy. We will take on some interior and exterior upkeep tasks like window washing, sidewalk scrubbing, and leaf raking. We'll meet at 9:00 on Saturday, October 30th and stay until noon at the latest. Wear grubby work clothes and bring leaf rakes and work gloves if you have any. Send your questions to Tom Fricke at or call 413-345-4462. And if you're interested in serving on the Meetinghouse Committee, please read more below
Sue Kelsey
UUSA Member and Master Gardener, Sue Kelsey cleaning up our beautiful garden. Thank you!
If you want to learn how you can help with gardening efforts here at the UUSA read on!

Looking to get more involved at the UUSA?

Many UUSA committees/groups are seeking new membership; if you are interested in learning more or becoming involved with committee and/or ministry-level efforts at the UUSA, please email Lea

The Meetinghouse Committee is looking for a few new members to join our team. Helping with our maintenance and facilities management agenda is a great way to contribute to the Society and build community with a few other task-oriented UU's. We expect to meet monthly and take care of hands-on tasks and to craft a long-term plan for keeping our building healthy. If you think you might be interested or want to recommend a pal, let Tom Fricke know at or 413-345-4462.

Green Sanctuary Committee
Ellen Kosmer, Jeff Clark and Sue Kelsey are looking to renovate the garden areas around the Wayside Pulpit at the front of UU to include native plantings and educate people about sustainable gardening. Contact Sue for more information and to learn how you can be involved!

Interfaith Shelter in Northampton

In the past, our UUDS meal team, in coordination with the So. Amherst Congregational Church's team has provided one meal a month on the first Thursday of the month, from November until April. The first meal of the year is on Thursday, November 4th. If you would like to join the email 'chain' to sign up to help, please contact Maria Lydia Spinelli: (708) 567-1759

Not Bread Alone

On Saturday, October 30 the UUSA is responsible for helping provide a tasty noon time lunch through the First Congregational Church. Can you give a few hours? NBA follows COVID safety protocols. Temperatures are take, masks required and social distancing is maintained when possible. Prepared food is packaged and distributed outside. There is NO indoor dining. We work under the direction of the kitchen manager in shifts: cooks 9:30 AM -12 PM; packagers 11 AM - 12:30 PM; servers 12 - 1:30 PM. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. NBA is located in the lower rear of First Church with access off the Spring Street parking lot. If you can help or have questions please contact Mary Beth Seminario | THANK YOU!

Assistance for Afghan refugees

At this point, we're thinking of forming a circle of care. If you're interested in being part of this effort, please contact Gabriela Horvay:; at this point we're just taking names.

In the meantime, donations of kitchen items, toiletries, linens and baby clothes and diapers are welcome; drop-offs can be made by the Kellogg St door of the UUSA.
If you need the code to that door, please contact Lea.

For now, to make a financial contribution, you might want to visit:
Catholic Charities of the Springfield Diocese:

Jewish Family Services of Western Massachusetts:
10/24 Many Roads | Rev Rachael Hayes

10/31 Gathering at the Village Well | John Pastor
Did you miss last week's Indigenous People's Day service: Sacred Footprints? Subscribe to the UUSA YouTube Channel and you will be notified when a new video is uploaded.

A member shared this resource with us following last week's service:
A land acknowledgement for Middle CT River Valley

In case you missed it! Original UUSA content from this entire worship season is available on our YouTube channel:

Big thanks to John Gerber for editing the services so beautifully and uploading them to YouTube!
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