Climate Lunch n’ Learn: The 100% Climate Solution with Solomon Goldstein-Rose

After the Sunday service using same Zoom meeting link: Meeting ID: 935 4201 5019; Password: 942416 or call in at +1 646 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID: 935 4201 5019 when prompted.

Solomon will present “The “100% Solution,” a framework that is outlined in his new book of the same name. He developed the framework as he tried to wrap his own mind around the global picture of climate change. In this talk sponsored by the Green Sanctuary Committee, Solomon will give an overview of the technical side of what must physically be achieved to solve climate change and will excite participants with ideas on effective messaging to build the political consensus we need for bold action that actually adds up. People will go away feeling more grounded in their understanding of what’s needed to solve climate change, and more hopeful that it is possible.

Solomon Goldstein-Rose has been a climate activist since age 11. His education in engineering and public policy gave him a unique perspective on the intersection of what physically has to happen to solve climate change and what approaches might actually make it happen. He also served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives from 2017 to 2019 representing the 3rd Hampshire district. An overview of the book is available at