2024-2025 RE Registration is open: https://forms.gle/zcCzxY422ouQA9FZ6

UUSA Mission and Vision

The mission of the Religious Education program is to foster a nurturing community, to honor the worth of religious thinking, and to celebrate the joy of spiritual exploration. Each person is encouraged to develop personal values based on Unitarian Universalist principles and to incorporate those values in daily living.

Our Unitarian Universalist religious education program’s vision is to promote and inspire:

  • Ethical growth – internalizing enduring values like justice, equity, and compassion, and gaining tools to act on them in everyday life.
  • Social growth – connecting with peers and people of all ages on a deeper level.
  • Spiritual growth – feeling a connection to the sacred within and beyond ourselves.

Our programs incorporate social justice activities, worship opportunities, service trips, fellowship, and fun.  Our religious educator and minister lead many of our congregations’ lifespan programs, but parents and other members of the congregation often lead them, too. Teaching can be a very fulfilling way to deepen one’s own faith.

We invite you to explore these pages and contact our Manager of Religious Education, Jacy: REManager@uusocietyamherst.org to get connected.

Other Important Details

There are no registration fees for Religious Education classes. Please consider pledging to the UUSA.
For more information talk to our Minister, Rev. Rachael Hayes.