Getting Involved to Find Belonging
It takes time to find belonging in a community; we have many opportunities to participate in our Society and in the greater community that can help you find belonging here at the UUSA.
For information on how to reach the contact persons mentioned here, please contact the office.
The following UUSA committees are seeking new members. To learn more about their work, who is currently service on the committee, when they meet, among other committee details, please contact the office or the chair. Please read on for other ways to ‘jump in’ here at the UUSA!
Finance Committee | Peter Lacey, Chair
Meetinghouse Committee | Tom Fricke, Chair
Becoming a Member
If you find yourself comfortable with us and our way of doing religion, we would welcome you as a member! Talk to Rev. Rachael or the Ministry of Welcome & Membership. For information on how to reach them, please call or email our office, 413-253-2848 or
Ministry of Welcome and Membership
Committees and Activities
Assistance with Weekly Worship
In service of our Society, volunteers may set up the sanctuary, help with the technology that supports our hybrid services, help greet at the door, or provide simple refreshments for social hour. Contact the office.
Dedicated Offering Committee
Help recognize and support organizations engaged in projects that reflect UU principles. Recipients of this monthly offering are suggested by people in our UU Society. Contact: Anne Perkins or Mary Beth Seminario.
Green Sanctuary
Support practices of sustainable living and spiritual connectedness to the earth. The Green Sanctuary Committee has an annual Connecticut River Cleanup that always needs help. All ages welcome — and you need not be on the committee to take part! Contact: Jeff Clark.
Leadership Development Ministry
Facilitates nominations for the UUSA Board of Trustees.
Meetinghouse & Landscaping Committee
Help to maintain and make minor repairs to the meetinghouse and grounds. Organize maintenance and clean up days twice a year. Coordinate regular inspection or maintenance needs. Solicit bids/hire contractors for major repairs. Contact: Tom Fricke.
The purpose (Aim) of the SSC is to provide sociocracy learning and support resources to the UUSA community. Any committee, ministry, team, group or circle interested in learning and practicing sociocracy principles and tools should contact:
UUSA Affinity Groups
Wednesday Community Breakfast
Help with breakfast in our Social Hall in partnership with Craig’s Doors – a Home Association, Inc. This weekly community breakfast is free and open to the public. Contact: Sophie Rogers.
Women’s Circle
Pre-pandemic, this group met at a different restaurant at noon on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month for spirited conversation over local, inexpensive cuisine. Currently, the group meets over Zoom. It welcomes every woman, whether she is new to our Society or a longer-time member or friend. It is not necessary to RSVP, but if you have questions, need help finding a ride, or want to be on the e-notification list, contact: Sophie Rogers.
Other Volunteer Activities
Cot Shelter Volunteering
Volunteers from our UU Society and South Congregational Church prepare a dinner and/or bring it to the Interfaith Cot Shelter in Northampton on the 1st Thursday of each month (November-April). Contact: Maria Lydia Spinelli.
Just One Thing
Donate food or other supplies to the Amherst Survival Center one Sunday a month by placing them in a basket in the foyer. Contact: Mary Beth Seminario.
Not Bread Alone
Prepare and serve lunch in one of two shifts on the 5th Saturday of the month at Not Bread Alone, a soup kitchen at First Congregational Church in Amherst. Contact: Mary Beth Seminario.
Connecticut River Clean Up
Each year in September we help clean up along the banks of the Connecticut River. Sign up for the clean-up on Sept 23, 2023 here.
Contact: Ron Grosslein
Past Accomplishments by the UUSA Congregation Include:
Pipeline Resolution: In 2015 the congregation passed a Pipeline Resolution to support a ban on the construction of a natural gas pipeline running through conservation land in Western Massachusetts.
Divestment from Fossil Fuels. In 2013 the congregation passed a UUSA Fossil Fuel Divestment Resolution to divest our holdings from fossil fuel stock.
Toward a Safer Congregation Handbook
Black Lives Matter: In 2016 the congregation passed a resolution to support the Black Lives Matter movement. See: