Upcoming Service

Parables of Octavia Butler

We encourage you to attend our services in person. You may also attend online. To join on Zoom, click here: https://bit.ly/3TNcbll [Meeting ID: 939 7607 7727 | Passcode: 091159]  Or call in +1 646 876 9923 and enter Meeting ID: 998 5370 0822.

February Dedicated Offerings for The MAP

The MAP (Massachusetts Medication Abortion Access Project) is an asynchronous telemedicine service in Massachusetts that takes advantage of the strong state Shield Law and provides abortion pills to abortion seekers in all 50 states and all US territories who are 11 weeks pregnant or less at initial contact.

Attention Curious Families!

Check out our Religious Education Program to see if it is right for you!



Love is the spirit of this community.

     We dwell together in peace,

     We seek truth and justice in love,

     We honor everyone’s worth and dignity, and

     We do the work of building the Beloved Community in our world.  





Tiffany Stained Glass Window Video



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