January Dedicated Offering for A Better Chance
For more than 50 years, “A Better Chance” (ABC) has transformed the lives of young people of color through education, and has prepared thousands of students to take positions of leadership in American society. It has grown from 55 students enrolled at nine schools to now more than 2,000 students enrolled at nearly 350 of the best private and public schools.
In the Amherst program for ABC, eight to 10 boys, mainly from inner city schools, come to Amherst to live together with house parents in a big house and attend Amherst Regional High School. They are provided with tutors if needed to help them adjust to a more challenging academic program, but they need no help in adjusting to sports, music and social activities of the school. Although the Amherst ABC is supported in part by Amherst College, fund raising is always an issue for the program.
Dedicated Offerings provide a way for our Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst community to recognize and financially support worthy organizations engaged in projects that reflect our guiding Unitarian-Universalist principles. We hope you will give generously on January 15.