January Dedicated Offerings for Local Energy Advocates
From September through June, our Unitarian Universalist Society devotes each month to a new Dedicated Offering (DO) recipient and splits every Sunday’s offering plate 50/50 with the recipient organization.
The January 2023 Dedicated Offering is a bit unusual, in that we will raise funds for a new local group named Local Energy Advocates (LEA), which in turn will donate the money to the local Habitat for Humanity for specific energy-efficient water heaters. Some of the homes Habitat builds do not have basements, and therefore don’t have the volume of air needed for normal heat pump water heaters. LEA has found a new solar-assisted heat pump that attaches to an exterior wall that will work, and they are fundraising for this purpose.
LEA was created to generate ideas, motivation and strategic funding to reduce greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions, as much and as quickly as possible. Darcy Dumont, a UUSA member, is a founder of LEA and brought this project to the Green Sanctuary Committee and to the Dedicated Offering Committee.
At the January 8 UUSA service we will be joined by Megan McDonough the Executive Director of Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity (PVHH), a non-profit organization that builds strength, stability and self-reliance through affordable homeownership in Hampshire and Franklin counties. Since 1989, PVHH has built more than 50 homes with building professionals, volunteers and future homeowners working side by side. Habitat strives to build simple, durable, energy-efficient homes for low-income home buyers who cannot otherwise achieve the dream of homeownership without a helping hand from the community.
Megan plans to attend the service in person while Adele Franks of LEA will attend the Zoom service. Both will be available to answer questions after the service.