The Dedicated Offering Committee (DOC) selects non-profit organizations that our Society will support with donations from our Sunday collections September – June. We split our collections 50/50 with them. In turn, our UU Society is enriched by learning about organizations we did not know about that are helping enrich our world. The DOC solicits members for names of specific organizations and asks that they complete a specific DO form, which is available in the UUSA office or on-line at A representative from a chosen organization is asked to speak about it on the first Sunday of its month.

The Dedicated Offerings for the month of January will be for Reproductive Equity Now. This organization has been active for 50 years in Massachusetts to create change removing barriers to abortion and other types of reproductive health care. REN is engaged in local organizing and support of agencies such as Tapestry Health and the Abortion Rights Fund of Western Massachusetts. For more information on REN, please look at their website –  A representative from REN will speak at the January 7 service. 

On Sunday, January 21, the UUSA Reproductive Justice Action Group is pleased to have Carrie Baker as the speaker. Baker is an activist, journalist, and professor of American Studies at Smith College. She is a regular editorial contributor to the Daily Hampshire Gazette