March Dedicated Offerings for the Rise Above Foundation
From September through June, our Unitarian Universalist Society devotes each month to a new Dedicated Offering (DO) recipient and splits every Sunday’s offering plate 50/50 with the recipient organization.
The March Dedicated Offerings from the UUSA will be for the Rise Above Foundation. The Rise Above Foundation provides Massachusetts children in foster care with enriching activities, opportunities and
experiences that give them a sense of normalcy, provide comfort and build self-esteem. Each spring, they collect items for College Care Packages to give to the 3% of foster children who go to college, offering the small comforts their families would give. Money is needed, as well as donations of gift cards to Target, Walmart, and Dominoes, also small light-weight items including ramen noodles, mini cereal boxes, granola bars, chocolates and candy, travel-size toiletries, pens and sticky notes. No cans or binders. There will be a box in the lobby for donations of goods through the last Sunday in March. Please donate to support Rise Above. Last year they delivered 268 packages. Please give generously. Thank you so much for sharing what you can.