Becoming an official member of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst is at first glance a simple process: It involves signing a venerable membership book dating from 1919 in the presence of two or more members of the Board of Trustees. But this act represents a serious step and significant commitment – both to this congregation and to the larger voice of Unitarian Universalism in the world. Membership is not only about what we, as individuals, will get from this UU Society, but what we might have to offer as well. Many of us have found our lives more fulfilled by the act of giving of ourselves to this beloved community.

If you find yourself comfortable with us and our way of doing religion, we would welcome you as a member! Talk to Rev. Rachael or the Ministry of Welcome and Membership: Karen Mack, Susan Rice or Libby Walton-Stanforth. For information email or call our office, 413-253-2848.

The next opportunity to sign our membership book
is during the service on February 23, 2025

Ministry of Welcome and Membership:
Susan Rice, Libby Walton-Stanforth, Karen Mack and Lea Douville

Benefits of Membership

Active Members are expected to participate in the life of the community and make an annual financial contribution or indicate a continued commitment. They may vote, hold office in the Society, and be an agent of the Society. Active Members may vote in any congregational meeting of the Society, provided that they have been a member of a Unitarian Universalist church, society, or fellowship for a total of 60 consecutive days immediately preceding the meeting, including at least 30 days of membership in the Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst.

Voting Youth Members are those 16-18 and may participate in all activities of the Society, and may vote on all matters except those prohibited by law.

Nonvoting Youth Members are are members under the age of 16, who may participate actively in the activities of the Society but who may not vote nor be elected to an office in the Society.