In prior years we provided pledging guidance based on income level and level of commitment to the congregation. Last year, we began using something new. We invite you to pledge based not on your income level but from what generosity might feel like in your household. The color categories below represent different types of household finances. We hope that this guide is helpful to you as you decide what amount to pledge this year.
Purple is majestic; it is a valuable part of this community. A purple pledge comes from a household that is comfortable but lives modestly. Purple may come from a family living on a fixed income, or that may have an income that is up one year and down the next. A purple pledge is a gift of intention to the UUSA. A purple pledge is between $51-125 per month $601-1,500 per year.
The following is a summary of the pledge suggestions along with a presentation of how many pledging units in our congregation were in each category over the past two years.