Everyone knows calendar officially changes on January 1. But it is only in springtime that we begin to feel that a new year is truly upon us, with new opportunities for growth and regeneration. That’s why spring is the perfect time for our annual stewardship campaign—the canvass. We are again asking you to join us as we face our future with enthusiasm and a generous spirit. Like seeds in the ground, we need to grow and establish roots that will support our blossoming society. We need an outstanding minister and staff to provide leadership and service; we must have a well-maintained facility to shelter us and our community. We must continue to realize the possibilities of what we can become and offer to our community
Our canvass this year begins with Rev. Cindy Frado’s Sunday Sermon, Yes We Can? “It’s a day about celebrating our community and looking toward the future.” At this Sunday Service we will handout the annual pledge forms. We want to complete the pledge drive in 2 weeks. You can fill out the forms right away and turn them in or complete the pledge in a number of ways as described further below.
YOUR support makes us the vibrant, caring community and congregation that we are!
The Stewardship Committee; Steve Rice, Elliott Kelly, Karen Mack, Rachel Peterson, and Peter Lacey.
Please fill out the pledge form and mail it in, leave it in Judy Mitrolka’s mailbox or give it to one of us as soon as you are able. We don’t like to rush this important decision, but we have only a couple short weeks to finalize our budget. You might also consider an “EZ-pledge” – just email office@uusocietyamherst.org with your pledge amount. Questions? Check out our attached Frequently Asked Questions about Canvass list on the back of this letter.