Join us a few minutes before 12:00 p.m. on Sunday at or call in at +1 646 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID: 805 733 172 when prompted.
Climate change presents an urgent call to action. Personal actions are important, but only one third of all emissions are under our direct control. Policies that put a price on carbon have the power to change the economics to keep carbon in the ground, spur renewable energy innovation, and stimulate the economy. When combined with a dividend that is reimbursed to citizens, it also provides a just solution for low- and middle-income families.
Several presidential candidates are supportive of carbon pricing and dividends, and our state legislature is also considering a carbon pricing bill, which has been co-sponsored by 93 reps (60% of the MA House).
The presenters are Lora Sandhusen, chair of the Pioneer Valley Chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL), and Jeff Clark, who is a UUSA member, CCL volunteer and long-time climate activist. The Citizens Climate Lobby is committed to getting bi-partisan support for market-driven solutions to climate change.
The Zoom meeting information is TBD. Look here for details later.