It’s UUSA Quilting Bee Time! For the past two years our UU community has held a quilting bee and made a beautiful quilt that was raffled off as part of the Stone Soup Bazaar. This year we are at it again although in a slightly different way. Since the beginning of August a number of our members who sew and quilt have been hard at work making squares for this year’s quilt. Our first official Quilting Bee gathering will be on Saturday, September 16th from 8:00 AM – Noon in the Social Hall. At this gathering we will collect all the squares that have been made, assess what we have and make more squares as needed, and lay out the squares in a design we like. For this we will need additional volunteers who can help set-up/clean-up, press fabric, cut fabric, help with layout design, and pin squares. Depending on how far we get, we will gather again on September 23 and October 7 to finish this year’s quilt. If you are interested in being a part of this really fun project, save these dates and let Rachel Peterson ( know you will be there.
Quilting Bee
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