Appreciative Inquiry: A Spiritual Tool

A service by the Committee on Shared Ministries

Join us a few minutes before 10:30 a.m. by clicking on Or call in: 646 876 9923 and enter the Meeting ID: 990 6828 8625 Passcode: 984892.

A congregation is a group of people who keep coming together with purpose. If we stopped, our building and minister would no longer be able to serve. What’s more important, what we do together or how we do it? It’s an interesting conversation starter!  During this service, the members of the Committee On Shared Ministries will describe and offer an experience of Appreciative Inquiry. This is about how we relate to each other as members of a shared beloved community, whether we’re referring to our UUSA beloved community or the larger beloved community or even the beloved community of the many different parts of ourselves. It is also a tool we can use to move toward a shared vision of our future together—a shared vision of coming together with purpose.

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