Note later time!
(Gather at 10:30 am, before the 11:15 am service, for coffee and nibbles. Then count down to the new year at noon instead of midnight–a celebration for people of all bedtimes!)
We encourage you to attend in person. Masks are welcome but not required while local COVID numbers remain low (details follow).
You may also attend online. Click Meeting ID: 998 5370 0822 PW: 599092. Or call in +1 646 876 9923 and enter Meeting ID: 998 5370 0822
The UUSA Board of Trustees has voted unanimously to change the COVID-19 Building Use Policy to “mask optional” in most of the sanctuary when the risk level is low. The new policy became effective with our first in-person service on August 6, 2023.
A “mask required” area will be maintained on the balcony, next to the windows. Masks are always welcome. We look forward to seeing you!