Alison has retired. The Interim minister has not yet arrived. Late summer Sundays are sparse cause lots of folks are away. Its a quiet time in the life of the UUSA. The fields, so recently furrowed by the plough of intellectual and spiritual stimulation, now seem at rest. We are in summerfallow. But the fallow field is not an idle field. The earth rests into itself. An unpredictable and nourishing wildness settles in. The rhythms of creation find their way back into our lives. Summerfallow too, is a spiritual time. Lay leader: Mary Herman.
Mark Koyama’s last name means “small mountain” in Japanese. The son of a theologian and a pianist, Mark grew up in Thailand, Singapore and New Zealand before coming to the United States at thirteen years of age. Mark studied Buddhism for his BA in Religion from Bates College (1988). His graduate degrees are in Hebrew Bible (MA: Union Theological Seminary 1992), Fiction (MFA: UMass Amherst 2010) and Christian Ministry (MDiv: Yale Divinity School and the Institute of Sacred Music 2015). Mark, who is currently in the process of seeking his first call to ministry, lives with his wife Cary and their three children, two cats and two dogs in an old farmhouse in Montague, MA.
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