Terry is a new participant in our UU Community. As in ancient times this service will begin with drumming, a calling of all to come and move as one. The chairs will be in circles, we will learn simple and moving songs as we sing them, and Moonlight Davis will perform on the piano and eventually lead all in “This little light of mine; I’m going to let it shine.” The focus of Terry’s presentations will be to invite all to study their direct experiences to identify some fundamental truths that are self-evident there. It will include the discovery that the oneness of nature is self-evident there and that our human languages are mutually agreed upon illusion skills that allow us to be self-conscious. We will discover in our direct experiences the layers of maturity of this skill so we can elder ourselves to full maturity in it. Those who have a drum and wish to participate in the service, please come 15 minutes early.
Please note that childcare will not be available during the services of July 3 and 10. Two “busy bags” with items to help keep small ones entertained will be available in the foyer.